And here’s the backstory for how #ShoutAMeal evolved. Thank you for reading! ❤️ – Nagi x

SHOUT a Meal for Sydney Frontliners

THE MISSION: To provide delicious, nourishing food to our frontline healthcare workers in Sydney, and support local businesses struggling to stay afloat. GOAL: To raise $210,000 to provide 500 meals per day for 6 weeks to frontline healthcare workers, and provide some much needed revenue into the hospitality industry. $10 meals x 500 healthcare workers x 7 days x 6 weeks = $210,000

Where does my money go?

100% of the money raised goes directly to purchasing meals and nourishing snacks for COVID-19 frontline workers in Sydney hospitals from local businesses, including restaurants, cafes, catering companies and bakeries. Overheads and costs associated with running this project, including people resources, will be borne by me.

How do you know the food is safe?

All businesses providing the meals or any other food will be required to meet mandatory Australian food safety standards (HACCP and Food Safety Supervisors) as well the higher sanitisation standards plus social distancing requirements required in today’s COVID-19 environment. In addition, the acceptance of food is being vetted by appropriate authorities at each hospital, including an approval process for each food provider. Food will be prepared fresh on the day of delivery, and will be suitable for reheating and/or freezing (reheating will provide extra food safety precaution). Disclaimer: While both myself and my suppliers will undertake to do everything we can to ensure food safety, we cannot provide any guarantees. That would be impossible even in the best of times.

Who is preparing the meals?

Shout A Meal food will be prepared by local businesses that are pre-approved by hospitals. As at Day 2, there are two approved meal/food sources, both of which I know personally (but have no financial or vested interest in): Update Tuesday 14 April 2020: We’ve had a wonderful response from local restaurants interested in participating! We were unable to progress restaurant approvals by hospitals over the Easter long weekend, but we’re pushing new restaurants through today and will be making some exciting new announcements soon!  This list will be expanded as demand and funding allows, with a rigorous screening process (by both myself and each hospital in accordance with their respective policies before they accept food). Restaurants and other meal suppliers, please complete this form to participate

How much do the meals cost?

The meals will be purchased at $10 or less per head, sold at or below cost. Snacks will be procured at the best possible price, no higher than wholesale. Freshly baked muffins trumps chocolate bars and chips, but I will resort to the latter where hospital policy only permits manufactured foods.

What type of meals are being provided?

Here is a sample – this weeks’ Baptiste and Wilson menu:

MONDAY: Pork Tenderloin with Fennel, Carrot and Mustard Jus TUESDAY: Chicken Adobo, Smoky Potato, Cauliflower and Kale WEDNESDAY: Middle Eastern Lamb Shanks with Turmeric Rice THURSDAY: Pork Shoulder Roast, Green Beans and Sweet Potato Wedges FRIDAY: Potato and Eggplant Rogan Josh with Rice

Not bad, hmm? I feel like our healthcare workers deserve amazing food! (PS If you’re wondering how on earth they can provide such amazing meals at such a low price, the answer is that they are providing it at ingredients cost only. Their time, delivery, kitchen space cost etc – everything else is being donated for free. They are amazing.)

Why bother with snacks?

Because hospital policies around food acceptance is becoming tighter. Many are no longer accepting homemade goods from caring citizens, and some hospitals have a strict no food unless wrapped in heat seal packaging policy (eg muesli bars, chips), thus making it impossible to provide meals to healthcare workers, whether homemade or made by restaurants.

Which hospitals and healthcare workers are getting the meals?

The free meals and snacks will be on offer to all Sydney hospitals with COVID clinics and wards, on an as-available basis and within each hospitals’ constraints and policies. This includes: Bankstown-Lidcombe, Campbelltown, Canterbury, Concord, Fairfield, Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai, Liverpool, Mona Vale, Nepean Public, Northern Beaches, Prince of Wales, Royal North Shore Public, RPA Camperdown, Ryde, St George Public, St Vincents Public, Sydney, Sydney Children’s Randwick, Children’s Hospital Westmead, Sutherland, Westmead. Hospitals – please complete this form to request free meals Where possible, contact points at each hospital will distribute the meals to those that most need it – for example, those who live alone or with other healthcare workers, and those who have had to move out to keep their families safe.

What about other states?

It would be a dream come true to be able to expand into other states. But right now, I’m focussing my efforts on getting this set up in my hometown, Sydney, as I don’t have the capacity to do more. I need some sleep – not much, just 5 hours!

They need medical equipment more than food.

I know. But I have no contacts or experience in the field of medical equipment. I wish I did. So I’m sticking with what I know, and where I have the most contacts and reach, and providing meals to healthcare workers who need it the most. Those who don’t go home to a warm homemade meal at night, those who have moved out of home for fear of infecting their loved ones. *** Got more questions? Leave it below and I’ll add them to this list. *** Shout a Meal for a Sydney Healthcare Hero! Raising funds to provide nourishing meals to overworked Sydney frontliners whilst also providing some much needed revenue for local businesses.

I know times are tough for many, with the impact of COVID-19 reaching wide and far. Anything you can spare to help will be so appreciated by our healthcare workers. Gestures from the community in any form, whether it be fundraisers like this or even notes of encouragement, raises their spirits in difficult times like these. If you are unable to provide monetary assistance, please consider reaching out to your local hospital and sending a note of thanks to our Frontline Workers. Just google the hospital name and find the general contact page and send an email! Thank you for reading – Nagi x

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