Quiche Toast Cups

I love quiche, but I don’t usually have ready made pastry in stock, and it is even rarer that I attempt to make pastry. So this is my way of making mini quiches – using toast cups made with sandwich bread. I didn’t do a very good job of pressing the bread into the muffin tin, as you can see from the squiggly shape of my toast cups. I was tempted to call these “Mini Quiche Flower Cups” and make you think I did these deliberately (“Perfect for your little girls’ next birthday party!”) but then I thought I had better own up to the fact that I just did a bad job. 🙂 But it definitely didn’t affect the flavour and in fact it meant there were more crunchy ridges on the Quiche Toast Cups.

So – there’s one big “must do” with making these cute little cheesy bites. You must, must, must pop the toast cups into the oven for a few minutes before pouring the egg mixture in. Otherwise the egg mixture will just get sucked right into the bread and you’ll end up with soggy cups rather than toast cups filled with cheesy quiche filling. I’m speaking from experience here. I tried to get around this problem by using stale bread, thinking that it wouldn’t absorb as much of the egg mixture. Total failure. Firstly, the bread was so dry I couldn’t flatten it, it just kept springing back up to it’s original thickness. I even beat the bread with a meat mallet in frustration and it still didn’t work – actually, it kind of disintegrated it and I had bits of crumbs flying everywhere. Secondly, if you try to mould stale bread into the muffin tin, you’ll find out that it’s impossible. Because it’s stale, it’s not pliable so as I attempted to coax it into the muffin tin, it just crumbled and there were more crumbs everywhere. True story. It was like a bread crumb bomb had landed in my kitchen. So I hauled myself down to the supermarket just to get a single loaf of bread so I wouldn’t waste the filling that I’d already prepared. And that’s when everything came together for the Quiche Toast Cups. I tried the brief baking method to dry out the toast cups and it worked perfectly. I was a very happy gal. Enough about my kitchen disasters! Here’s the recipe. A great little treat to pop for your next brunch!

Some more mini one-bite Appetizers!

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