My mother makes these incredible parmesan biscuits that I frequently beg her to make. Until recently, I had no idea they were made with just 3 ingredients: butter, flour and parmesan. Nor that they took all of 2 minutes to make the dough. “Why didn’t you tell me before?!” I exclaimed. “If I’d known they were that easy, I would have been making them myself!” “I don’t know,” she said calmly. “I just never thought of it. They aren’t that special.” “Aren’t that special?” I gasped, flabbergasted. “These are my favourite biscuits.” “That’s so typical of you,” she said. “Just because it’s got cheese in it.” OK, well that’s true. I couldn’t argue with that. And of course, having discovered they were made with only 3 ingredients, I declared them to be so fabulous that I had to share them on my blog.

These biscuits are savoury shortbread biscuits, which means they are buttery and crumbly, just like the sweet ones. Except these are cheesy. Parmesan cheesy. You barely need the recipe for this. Butter, flour and parmesan, whizz until crumbs form, form a log, wrap in cling wrap, refrigerate, slice, bake for 12 minutes.

3 ingredient magic. That’s what this is. Honestly, these exact biscuits are sold in a certain up market grocery store in Sydney (which shall remain unnamed!) for close to $10. And you get less than one batch of this!

I have 2 words of caution about these:

  1. Making as a gift: If you make these with the intention of gifting them, please just make a double batch. Don’t kid yourself into believing that you won’t “taste test” so many that you end up with a dismal scant pile for your friend, so small that you can’t possibly give that as a gift so you end up doing an emergency present run énroute to the birthday lunch; and
  2. To nibble with wine: These are brilliant to have as nibbles. But they go a little too well with wine. What happens is that that the cheesy buttery biscuits make you thirsty, so you drink more, and the more you drink the more you nibble. An endless viscous cycle. So as with #1, just make a double batch. 🙂 OK, so #1 may have happened to me last weekend. And come to think of it, #2 as well. Oops. Happy weekend! – Nagi x PS Please do not count the biscuits in the photos below. I can tell you now, there are 5 missing!!!


Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 49Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 27Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 74Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 12Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 73Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 19Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 84Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 90Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit  3 ingredients  - 2