But if it all sounds too daunting for a sleepy Sunday morning, take the easy way out and prepare the poached eggs and Hollandaise Sauce up to 2 days ahead. They both reheat perfectly!

Eggs Benedict

The great brunch favourite has finally arrived! Truthfully, I didn’t want to publish this without also sharing Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce at the same time, and it’s a LOT of work to do all three which is why I’m releasing this months later than I promised. Logic would prevail that I should have shared the Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce separately. And while both are what I call Life Essential recipes, they don’t exactly make you jump up and down with excitement on their own, do they? At least, not compared to seeing THIS:

Knees, weak And so, I persevered. All 3 must go out together – and they have arrived!

Eggs Benedict – The four parts

Here are the 4 components that make up Eggs Benedict:

How to make Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict isn’t hard, it’s just about the order in which things are cooked so it all comes together while everything is warm. So here’s the order in which I make things: Also, both the poached eggs and Hollandaise Sauce can be made up to 2 days ahead and reheated – directions are in the recipe card notes.

How to make EASY Hollandaise Sauce

So, first up – Hollandaise sauce – my easy foolproof way! You will need a tall glass, jug or similar that the blender stick head fits in – it must reach all the way down to the base. I’m pretty sure most blender sticks come with a jug or milkshake-maker cup – but I have no idea where mine is!

Then here’s what you need to make Hollandaise Sauce, and how to make it:

BONUS: Can be made ahead and reheated.

How to make poached eggs – my Easy Method

The steps explained below are for my Easy Method for making poached eggs that even beginners can use. For the traditional Whirlpool Method, please see the Poached Eggs recipe. The Whirlpool Method will make more “perfect” poached eggs shape, but it does take practice to perfect, it’s difficult to make more than one at a time, and you need eggs < 4 days old max. For a full explanation of the why for the steps explained below, see the Poached Eggs recipe. If I explain everything here, it will take too much reading for you to get on with making your Eggs Benedict! 😂

A. Poached Eggs Preparation – key step

B. Right water temperature

Getting the right water temperature is key. If the water is too rapid, then the egg will jiggle about too much and get those untidy wisps. But if it’s not hot enough, the egg might not set and the whites just dissolves into the water. I’ve found that the best way to get the right temperature is to bring the water to a boil first (to get enough heat in it), then turn the stove down until you get tiny bubbles rising from the base of the pot but no big bubbles breaking the surface of the water.

C. Poaching the Eggs

There’s a few key tips in these steps here to ensure poached eggs success!

Whirlpool Method

The Poached Eggs recipe also contains directions for the Whirlpool method of poaching eggs but it takes experience to do more than one at a time (successfully!). However, if this your preferred method, feel free to use it – directions (including video) are in the Poached Eggs recipe

Breakfast in PJ’s!

Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce done, now the rest is a cinch! Toast the bread, cook the bacon (if using), then assemble. Yes, making Eggs Benedict at home has a few components and yes, it might be daunting the first time you try your hand at it, especially if you want to make 8 eggs to serve 4 people. But I promise you, if you read the recipe from start to finish and follow the steps in the order I’ve written them, you will be fine. So what if some of the eggs are a bit cool by the time you serve? So what if they are a bit wonky, and some have firmer yolks than you’d like? You’ve just made Eggs Benedict at home, you’ve saved a bucket of money (it’s expensive to have them out – north of $20 for a plate in my neck of the woods!), and you haven’t even had to get out of your PJ’s! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

My car really needs a wash…

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